Adding IMAP email to an Android device

Go to Settings and click Accounts.

Press Add account.

Press Email OR Personal (IMAP).

Enter your email address and click Manual Setup.

Choose IMAP account and enter your email password.

Enter the incoming mail server settings:
Username: Your email address
Your email password 
Server: - replace the underlined section with your organisation.

If prompted for other settings use:

  1. Security type: SSL
  2. Port: 993
  3. IMAP path prefix: INBOX

Press Next

Enter the outgoing mail server settings:

Your email address
Your email password
Server: - replace the underlined section with your organisation.

If prompted for other settings use:

  1. Security type: SSL
  2. Port: 465
  3. Require sign-in: Checked

Press Next

Press Next leaving all Sync frequencies ticked.

Choose the name that will be displayed as the sender.

Click Next - Your email is now all set up!

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